our partners
GeoScan recommends White Industrial Seismology, Inc. for service and support for all vibration monitoring products!
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GeoScan is an authorized distributor for Blaster's Tool and Supply Co. With many products designed
for the Blasting industry, we have just what you need to get the job done right.
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GeoScan recommends Smith Adjusting, Inc. for all your pre-blast and post-blast surveying needs!
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International Society For Explosives Engineers (ISEE)
The International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE) was formed in 1974 as a professional society dedicated to promoting the safety, security and the controlled use of explosives in mining, quarrying, construction, manufacturing, demolition, aerospace, forestry, avalanche control, art, automotives, special effects, exploration, seismology, agriculture, law enforcement, and many other peaceful uses of explosives.
Bluegrass Society of Explosives Engineers (BSEE)
The BSEE membership is composed of blasters in construction, quarry, coal mining, explosive manufacturers, educators and government regulators. Since the chapter's inception, blasting training has been our core function. The all-volunteer organization consists of members, board of directors and officers that organize various meetings and other activities.